Cheez-It Snapped Barbecue Flavored Review


Cheez-it crackers are a well-known snack that everyone of all ages love. The brand now has a snapped version of their chips, that are thin and crispy. The texture of these chips is more of potato chips instead of crackers. They have different flavors of these chips, like double cheddar, cheddar sour cream and onion, jalapeno jack, and these barbecue flavored chips. Because barbecue is one of my favorite flavoring for potato chips, I decided to try the barbecue flavored first. The snapped brand of chips have been around for a couple of years now, but the barbecue seasoned chips are one of their newer flavors. These chips still have their cheesy flavor, but with the added seasoning of barbecue flavoring. It makes the chips slightly more sweet and a little more spicy than just classic cheese cheez-its.

Compared to traditional cheez-its, these crackers have a texture that is is thin and crispy, like potato chips, instead of the flaky texture of traditional crackers. The barbecue seasoning really pairs well with the cheese in these crackers, they taste like a mix of cheesy cheeze-its, and barbecue potato chips. I really liked both these thin and crispy cheez-its over the classic crackers because it has a delicious taste and great texture.

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